Produced continuously

Thimble Reed seed
Thimble Reed 2.0 cycles
Reed Fiber 1

Consumed in recipies

Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Snazzy Suit 1
Reed Fiber 3
Clothing Refashionator
Primo Garb 1
Reed Fiber 4
Textile Loom
Warm Sweater 1
Reed Fiber 4
Textile Loom
Cool Vest 1
Reed Fiber 4
Textile Loom
Snazzy Suit 1
Copper 300kg
Reed Fiber 2
Exosuit Forge
Atmo Suit 1
Aluminum 300kg
Reed Fiber 2
Exosuit Forge
Atmo Suit 1
Iron 300kg
Reed Fiber 2
Exosuit Forge
Atmo Suit 1
Cobalt 300kg
Reed Fiber 2
Exosuit Forge
Atmo Suit 1
Worn Atmo Suit 1
Reed Fiber 1
Exosuit Forge
Atmo Suit 1
Worn Jet Suit 1
Reed Fiber 1
Exosuit Forge
Jet Suit 1
Isoresin 15kg
Abyssalite 80kg
Reed Fiber 5
Molecular Forge
Insulation 100kg


A ball of raw cellulose used in the production of Clothing and textiles.

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